Thursday, January 16, 2014

MicroHorror » Post-Punchline

Everybody laughed in those days. Sometimes, the boy wondered what it was that everyone found so funny.

Each morning, when he awoke, he watched the birds chorus in their trees. When he washed, he saw them; when he scavenged for food or for blankets, he saw them; when he crept among the sleeping laughers, he saw them. They were all so delicate, he thought. So dignified. So happy to be alive. The boy resolved that someone, anyone, must hear them again. As he switched on his hearing aid, his ears were filled with their impossible, triumphant song, and his heart felt like it had caught fire.

The laugher must’ve been waiting. All it took was one soft giggle.

The next morning, the boy was in hysterics. Laughing loudest. Throat raw.

Then came screaming.

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