Sunday, May 20, 2012

Alison Brie Is Everywhere (& That's A Good Thing) | wihu !

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Alison Brie Is Everywhere (& That's A Good Thing) | wihu !
May 21st 2012, 02:00

Photo: NBC Universal

A few weeks into fall's stellar TV lineup, we've checked in with some of our favorite stars to see what's been fun, what's been hard & what we have to look forward to.  First up is Alison Brie, who you'll recognize regardless of your television taste.  She's on AMC's Mad Men and NBC's Community (Thursdays at 8PM), both of which are critically acclaimed and universally adored.  You can watch the former this Sunday at 10PM.

ELLE: Betty White guest starred on two episodes of Community, what other funny people can we look forward to seeing this season?
AB: I think we have her in a couple more episodes. She's a very busy woman these days. She's in high demand, and we were one of the lucky people to snag her as well. We also have John Oliver back a lot more this season, which I'm really excited about. Because, he's hilarious! We also have Drew Carry and Rob Corddry, who was on last week's episode as one of Jeff's lawyer buddies. He's just so funny—I think I have a little comedy crush on him.

ELLE: We talked to Gillian Jacobs about Community's awesome high-concept episodes. What else do you have coming up?
AB: We have an Apollo 13 homage episode, where the Greendale students go into space…so to speak. And we just wrapped our Halloween episode, which is very much a departure. It's like a horror movie. And I did my own stunt in it! They had a stunt woman come in for me and I was like, No, no, no. I got this.

ELLE: You're also doing a classic stop motion Christmas episode. If anyone should be turned into a claymation character, it's you and your character, Annie.
AB: I keep bargaining with them to give me the Annie figurine they'll use for the episode, afterward. I'm not met with a lot of positive feedback on that.

ELLE: Right now, you're on both Community and Mad Men, as Pete's wife Trudy. Which do you get recognized for more often?
AB: I don't get recognized very much at all. But if people do recognize me, it's from Community. I sometimes dress or wear my hair like Annie, anyway. Although, after the second season of Mad Men, once in a while people would come up to me and say, "Your husband is such a jerk!" And I'm not married in real life, so I have to assume they're talking about Mad Men.

ELLE: What shows are you looking forward to watching this fall?
AB: Oh, well, I just started Boardwalk Empire! And I'm so into it. I'm a big Scorcese fan and I'm a big Steve Buscemi fan. And Michael Pitt. The cast of talented actors. Talk about feeling like you're watching a movie! I also love Bored to Death, and I'm excited that it's back for a second season. Oh my gosh, everyone in that cast is so funny. Jason Schwartzman is great; Ted Danson is amazing; he and Zach Galifianakis have a really good rapport.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 21st, 2012 at 02:00 and is filed under Elle Dispatch. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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