Let's face it, whether you loved or hated her, or just thought she was frantically overexposed, Kristen Wiig was a tour-de-force in the 21st century of SNL. Not just as a woman, but as a character actress with no regard whatsoever for her own vanity. Her cannon of characters that she is leaving the show with as her legacy is vast and completely runs the gambit exploiting just how creative she was, and how sad it is that she's gone now, because we all knew it was going to happen, we just didn't know it would be quite the end of the era that it has dawned upon us that it is.
Here's a list of her most inspired characters that in my opinion will always resonate, and will always be some kind of funny, and will always be very good ideas for Halloween costumes. We miss you already Kristy.
10. Travel Correspondent Judy Grimes. The overly nervous stiff upper-lipped Judy Grimes with her inevitable 'just kidding' bits had all of our eyebrows raised as to just how Kristen was able to come up with monologues like this and not break into laughter or flub up the lines even once. Take notes Bill Hader. |
2. Bjork. It could be the most inspired Bjork impression we've ever seen if not the first one we've been exposed to. With her princess Leia hair, and fluffy sweater, she had all of us saying 'greetings Snarf, how is your skeleton' to every passing stranger. |