Wow, what a week we had last week. Seems we were running/busy the entire week.
Monday we had a very fun homeschool trip to a local farm in Eganville. Helen and Tom of Tickle Island Farm were kind enough to let the kids come out and have a great day with the animals.

This little one greeted us at the gate. It's only a day or two old.

We toured the new pasture field, with Biscuit the dog as our guide. Ella and the others had so much fun running. Ella was in her element, playing 'mother hen' with all the little people.

Of course, this little guy was a hit.

Ella loved getting a chance to feed the lamb. Helen managed to find enough little ones that everyone (who wanted to) got a chance with a bottle.
It's funny, I got asked a couple of times if Ella would enjoy herself/find the trip interesting. She had a ball. It's a completely different way of farming than ours. First of all, it's mostly sheep which we don't have and she's never seen up close. Even the pigs she found a little more interesting than Daddy's. Out in the big field they are less stinky and less overwhelming. We crop about 4oo acres as well so we don't have all the open space for running. Ella has so much fun when we can get together with the homeschool group from the Wilno area.

Though if you asked Ella, I'm sure she'd tell you that this was the best part of the trip. My friend Maureen brought her older daughter Ruby and a friend and they made sure all the little people got a good swing. That's one of the biggest things I love about homeschooling. The children all get along so well and the older ones are usually happy to play/help the younger ones. You don't have the cliquey-ness that public school children seem to have when in a group.
Tuesday was groceries and dance. I can't believe how busy the stores in Renfrew were in the morning. You would think it was a holiday.
I'm not sure what happened Wednesday, it went by in such a blurr :) I also did a bunch of prep for Thursday's freezer cooking attempt.
Thursday was my first 'real' freezer cooking day. It probably should have only taken a morning, but it was also a day that it seemed Ella couldn't do anything herself. It's funny how they know when you want to be busy. Oh well, she's cute :p
I made: 3 lasagnas (ate one that night)
2 beef goulash
2 baked penne
3 meals of meatballs
spaghetti sauce
Friday I headed to Ottawa with my MIL Isobel. She's having her thumb joint replaced and needed to have her pre-op. Luckily it's at the hospital right on the edge of the city. Unfortunately it turned into an 8 HOUR day. I did have a lovely knit night with the girls at Meagan's new house.

Saturday found us at the Renfrew Farmers' market. We had a good day and it was great to see some of the regulars out this week.

Colin has a hen and rooster that wander around the barn. They are a couple of my remaining Chantecler chickens.

21 days later, Colin showed me these:

We have 9 little chickies that are a range of colours.

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