Monday, July 1, 2013

Daily Prompt: Great or Greatest? | Under the Monkey Tree

Today’s Daily Prompt:

What makes a blog great? What makes you follow a blog or “Like” a post?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us GREATNESS.

This past month has taught me a lot about the greatness of the blogging community. I’ve made a commitment to get more involved and the month of June was GREAT for me. I’ve seen so many unique styles and tons of insight and it’s helped me find out more about why I am here.

When I like a post it is because the author has written something that inspires me to think about that particular topic as he/she does. And then there are some that are just too funny not to like. That happens on Facebook often. :)

I also love photography blogs. Some of the talent out there is so inspiring. I can only hope to be that attentive some day. I’m still searching for that GREATEST picture. Here’s a few recent ones. It’s just a couple of lizards in our front garden. The one on the rock was only an inch and a half long – including tail. I can only get so close though, before they take off. :(


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