Sunday, September 21, 2014

Finding the Perfect Costume: Money and Magic | The Triangle

It’s officially autumn. For some people that means cozy sweaters, pumpkin flavored everything, and vibrant fall leaves. But you and I know what it’s really about—Halloween. Halloween is that magical time of the year when you literally get rewarded for dressing up how you want to 90% of the time anyway. You are a Halloween veteran with over 19 years of experience, you’ve got this. Or…you thought you had this until you were slammed with homework and activities and midnight taco bell runs. Now suddenly it’s almost here and you have absolutely nothing prepared! Fear not fellow Halloween enthusiasts, I have some tips to help you get the costume of your nightmares.

First, you need to pick a category. Halloween costumes are divided into four equally valid categories: Scary, Funny, Sexy, Impressive. Now, if you’re going for truly impressive, you need to order that handmade multi-colored wig from China ASAP. But otherwise, you still have plenty of time to form any costume you want. Choosing one of these four categories can help you quickly narrow your search. Picking a major category instantly helps you cut out ¾ of the costume options and focus on real options.


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I spoke with some Hanover college seniors to see what they are doing this year for Halloween. Elizabeth Hollis is working on a handmade costume of Hester Prynne from the classic novel The Scarlet Letter. “I’ve had it planned since February of this year,” said Hollis in our session, “This was actually cheaper this year, I spent no more than $100.” When asked for her costume advice, she replied, “I always say make your own costume!” But she followed by acknowledging that not everyone has this particular skill set.

When interviewed, Brandon Derk is definitely reaching to impress this year in his custom made Peter Pan costume. “I spent $150 plus,” he said when asked how much he invested in his costume, “I ordered it from a friend of mine who has a website to make custom cosplays.” But he says finding the perfect costume isn’t necessarily about the money, “You’ve just got to go with what you feel like; you know find what you love and figure out a way to make that happen.”

Big budget doesn’t always mean better. If you are willing to spend more time getting ready, often you can forgo the big ticket prices. My costume from Sophomore year was $7. This came about because it had clearly been used and was missing a mask and gloves. My solution? Spend an hour painting on a fabulous mask and sewing some simple gloves!

Elizabeth Hollis said “use what you have around you!”

While Brandon Derk said “Goodwill!”

Another great way to find a costume is to round up a bunch of your friends and go as a themed group! This way, your friends can simply assign whoever they need to you. Some fantastic ideas are the Scooby Doo gang, Rocky Horror, Mario, or Powerpuff Girls! Group costumes take the pressure off being individually awesome. Now you have an entire crew to help you out.

So whether you want to make your own costume, have someone make one for you, or buy it straight off the rack, effort is a key ingredient. So find something you really enjoy and get creative!


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