Sunday, September 21, 2014

Our ghost is back and now playing with the dog and tennis balls ...

I have been a little lax in keeping this thread current. We have had a few minor incidents since my last post. Most involving my 23 yo. daughter. She came out of her room one evening last week and saw what she described as a full sized transparent figure in the hallway about 10 feet away. In the blink of an eye it was gone. Later the same night she saw a dark human like shape at the other end of the hall that too just disappeared. Just last night we were all home, she was in her room with the door shut when it just slowly creaked open. I was right in the kitchen less than 12' away and heard it open. She came out white as a sheet and told me that she watched it happen and there was no cat, dog or anybody there. My wife and kids all believe activity starts to pick up around this time of year, especially after we open the attic to get the Halloween decorations down. We haven't done that yet this year.



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