Thursday, January 31, 2013

A little quiet time for Susan at Starbuck's « Susanmillers Blog

Well I have been busy every night this week and so as I had no other plans tonight I felt it was perfect for a little Susan. So I got all ready and off I went to Starbuck’s. actually I had a little work to do and what better way to do it than as Susan at Starbuck’s, it is funny as I really don’t mind the extra work when I can combined it with time out as Susan plus it is way more fun than just sitting at home.

Well I got to Starbucks a little earlier than normal which in this case turned out well as there were only a few people here when I got here but by 7:15 most of the tables filled up, turns out it seems 7 is the time tonight everyone wanted to come here. It is strange as for as long as I have been coming here I have never had a problem and for that matter really no one ever gives me a second look. I know I don’t pass but it is if they really don’t notice me or care.

Well as you saw in my last blog BOLI filed formal charges against the P-Club and the owner Chris Penner. Now as I have never been through something like this I really don’t understand what that means other than he has a few days to respond to the charges. We also have a new Attorney as Beth Allen starts her new position as a Judge tomorrow so she can no longer represent us. Beth and Sue-Dell McCulloch had a meeting with BOLI on Monday and Beth has brought Sue-Del up to speed on our case. I am interested to see what his response will be. If he fails to respond than a guilty verdict is entered but I am sure he will respond.

Things are really advancing fast as we have a hearing date in about 6 weeks, none of us can believe how fast this is going as we all thought this would take a couple years which would give us all time to prepare for it. I can say I am really nervous about going to the hearing and testifying, that would be scary enough as my male self but to do it as Susan wow. I guess that will be the ultimate day out as Susan.

Well on to more happy things, I am looking forward to Diva Las Vegas which is fast approaching. I have a lot of shopping to do and yes I really need to lose some of my male sides extra LB’s. He eats way too much or maybe doesn’t exercise enough; yes I am blaming it all on him. All jokes aside I do need to start exercising more as that was my New Year’s resolution and I have yet to start, I always seem to have a reason not to. Well I am hoping by putting it here in writing it will motivate me more. After all I want to look good for my week of living as Susan.

The last update I got they already had 109 signed up for this year’s Diva Las Vegas and they had only been letting those who have gone before sign up. Well now they are registering those who have signed up for their announcement list, the end of February they will open registration to everyone. If you are interested in going check out their page and sign up for their announcement list. They said they have had more people who have not been there the last couple years sign up so I think we should have a good turnout this year. It really is a fun time as what could be better than spending a week in Las Vegas as a female. We have 3 of us from our group here going for the whole week and 3 to 5 more who are planning on going the last few days. Also check out the pictures from the previous years.

Well time to get some work done, thanks for reding.

January 31, 2013 - Posted by susanmiller64 | Starbucks | bi-gender, CD, crossdress, crossdresser, crossdressing, Diva Las Vegas, family, friends, Gender, lgbt, susan, T-girl, tg, transgender, transgendered

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