Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jessie Andersen returns with an update | Murders and Mysteries

At What Cost Author ImageMuch has happened since June 14th, 2012, which was the release date of At What Cost. Looking back, it’s funny to think of how my life has changed. I mean, I can actually call myself an author, something I only dreamed of years ago. Back then, it seemed like it would never happen. Rejection after rejection from agents, the endless waiting game that is the publishing industry…it all seemed like an unattainable dream. But sometimes God has other plans.

Not only do I have a published novel, but that novel became a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards in the Youth Issues category. It’s crazy to think that it has had the scope of influence that it has in such a short period of time.

When I wrote Maggie’s story, I knew there was something deep to it. A story that needed to be told. It was beyond my comprehension and beyond my ability to write, so I had to depend on the one greater than me: God. Undertaking this novel was a leap of faith for me. I had no experience with the topic and didn’t even know anyone who had…so I thought, but once I began writing and sharing that I was writing, women came forth to tell me their stories. Me. I’m no one special, but they wanted to share their stories with me. I listened with an open mind and heart and bits and pieces of each of their stories ended up in the novel.

I look back and the whole process, from getting the idea to write, to interviewing, to going through the publishing process, to now entering the new waters of promoting and I think, “Why me? What makes me the person to share this story?” To be honest, I still don’t have a clear answer other than I was obedient to the call I believe God placed on my life. When we do that, we will succeed, no matter how incapable we think we are. My father always says, “God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.” It is certainly true of my life.

A What Cost

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